The concept of turning Image Into Sound can be basically and simply divided in 2 steps. Step 1 – capturing the color information of an image and Step 2 – feeding the color information of this image into the computer's sound card.

Before I continue to explain the Image Into Sound process in a more detailed and technical manner, please make sure to read the Key Terms located on the right side column of this this page. Also, please note that there are infinite ways to convert images into sound, it all depends on the algorithm of choice. The following "recipe" of this process is only one of the many ways to convert Image Into Sound.

Please take note that I'm using Processing as the platform to code my program and Bagel (Processing's compiler) to compile the code into a Java Applet. In order to explain the steps of this process in more detail, I will be showing parts of the code used to create the Image Into Sound applets, remember that this code is specific to the platform of Processing, but the concept of it and logic used can be applied to a number of other languages or platforms. The code in the examples will contain formulas and algorithms, but I will not explain the code in detail as the purpose of this web site is just to explain the process of creating image Into Sound and not teaching how to program.

1. Load an image file into memory by storing it into an variable or array.
Because an image file is a stream of color data (pixel-color-information) that represents an image, we can take that data and store it into the computer's memory by assigning it to a variable and or array. In this case, we will be using "BImage" a datatype variable used by Processing to store image data, the BImage object contains properties for the width and height of the image, as well as an array called pixels[] which contains the values for every pixel in the image.

BImage img;

img = loadImage("myPicture.jpg");

Line one declares a variable called "img" and because it is declared as of the BImage type the computer knows to expect color-data from an image file. In line two, image file "myPicture.jpg" is transferred and stored into the declared variable called "img" with the use of the loadImage() function.

2. Separate pixel-data from the array in to Red, Green and Blue values.
Separate the color-data, from the array that contains the image-pixel information, into Red, Green and Blue. Create 3 corresponding arrays that store each color value. Thus each one of the 3 arrays will contain color values corresponding to Red, Green or Blue in the range from 0 to 255. 0 being dark and 255 being bright.

color rgbCol = aimg.pixels[j];
float redCol = red(rgbCol);
float greenCol = green(rgbCol);
float blueCol = blue(rgbCol);

3. Convert the Red, Green and Blue array values from 0 to 255 into -1 to 1.
Convert the color values of each array from the the current values of 0 to 255 into a range of 1 to -1, and store the new values into 3 new arrays. We need this conversion in order to plot each value, as a note, on to a sine wave that the sound engine/sound card can play.

soundR[j] = (redCol-128)/128;
soundG[j] = (greenCol-128)/128;
soundB[j] = (blueCol-128)/128;

4. Play the -1 to 1 converted data by feeding it to the sound engine/sound card.
Now that we have 3 arrays with the converted values of -1 to 1, use the 3 arrays to feed the sound engine/audio card these numbers and by doing so they will be plotted into a sound wave and can be played and heard. In this case I'm using Sonia the sound engine for processing and the LiveOutput.data array is the array that need to be feed the -1 to 1 values inside our 3 arrays. When this is done then you are done!

void liveOutputEvent(){
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){
LiveOutput.data[i]= soundR[i];
LiveOutput.data[i+1]= soundG[i+1];
LiveOutput.data[i+2]= soundB[i+2];

A computer file is a stream (sequence) of bits (information) stored as a single unit in a particular way (format).

An image file is a file that contains the data (information) needed to present a graphical image. Image files usually store bitmap information. in this case data presenting the RGB values of each pixel of the image.

Algorithm is a finite set of well-defined instructions for accomplishing some task which, given an initial state, will terminate in a corresponding recognizable end-state.

An Array is a place holder of information, it holds equally-sized data elements, generally of the same data type. Individual elements are accessed by index using a consecutive range of integers.

RGB (color) stands for Red, Green, Blue. The three colors of light which can be combined to produce any other color. In this case the RGB is mixed by the computer monitor. Each color ranging from values 0 to 255 (0=dark to 255=bright).

A Pixel is one of the many tiny dots that make up the representation of a picture in a computer's memory, television screen or computer monitor.

declaring (a variable)

Quick Visual